Thursday, June 23, 2011

How it works and what you can do...

The other day Dylan came to me an asked me for $2; automatically I thought he was planning to buy snacks at school and we began chiding him...He corrected us, "Nooo you know how they had a tornado in another state? I want to send my $2 over there so maybe they can buy food, or water, or toys..." Suddenly, everything we had been doing and talking about was in front of my eyes...HE GETS IT!!!!
This week I am asking everyone to sign a memo at aimed at congress to encourage them against cutting food programs for families who need assistance. Many of the programs families depend on, women and their children, are being slashed as ways to improve our failing budget. is giving us a chance to write to Congress and help them understand how this will affect millions of families, and eventually maybe even ourselves. It's nothing more than a signature, but there's also a space provided where you can include your own memo...mine indicated that by enforcing tighter stipulations and consistently monitoring the programs, we can save money and still protect the programs we need.
Again, just a signature...

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