Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dear Judge Gordon, if it ain't broke, why fix it????

Sometimes charity is nothing more than spreading the word...This blog intends to do just that!
Alaina Girodano is the mom of 2, who was recently told by North Carolina JUDGE Gordon that she must surrender custody of her children to her estranged ex-spouse, who resides in Chicago, because "a healthy dad is better than a sick mom". In her TIME interview, Alaina also addresses the other factors involved, including infidelity and domestic violence which occurred on both parties behalf.
Here's why I care...
1. It sets a precedence to assume that a sick parent can no longer be an effective parent. Is this what the judge intended to say? Because it speaks volumes to say that a mother who is caring for and managing her illness cannot set a healthy and long lasting example for her children.
2. Should personal and non-parent related issues weigh in on the removal and relocation of children? In NYS I can tell you, this is not the case! She admitted to cheating on her husband, so he should clearly have custody of the children? After she has been a caring mother to them in his absence?
3. After 6 years of asking myself, "Why am I still here at this job?" I finally understand why. I now see a reason for what I do. I work with a NYC based homemaking department, which assigns "homemakers" to clients with health issues, and other concerns. The goal? To preserve the family unit and to create and foster a healthy, loving stable environment for the CHILDREN. We are a support system. I have asked myself redundantly, "Why didnt Judge Gordon refer Alaina for a support system?" Then I read further and I find that the judge actually recommended that she (Alaina) relocate to be closer to her children (which is SUCH AN EASY TASK I ASSUME!) and her medical needs be transferred as well.
In the end, here's what I say...I have seen many many women manage and maintain their families during crisis, amidst illnesses, and against catastrophe. Being sick, poor, unemployed or independent does not cripple or handicap a parent. Making mistakes and exhibiting poor relationship qualities does make a bad mommy. But apparently Judge Gordon did not take too many thoughts into consideration, and she especially ignored those of the 2 children in question...maybe Judge Gordon is not a mommy. Or maybe she's just healthier than the rest of us.
If you feel this is wrong, or maybe you just think a better solution could have been determined, please sign this petition!
In honor of Alaina Girdano, mommy battling Cancer and fighting for custody of her children.

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