There is a tale about a cracked pot which continues to follow me...A cracked pot whose leaking water creates beautiful flowers along it's path; but whose fault causes it much distress, until it sees how it's imperfections lead to beauty. It has taken me some time, but finally I am realizing how this is my story; I am a cracked pot, just now realizing how much beauty I can create with my own will.
"A Date with Charity" is a flower growing from my faults, my "leak". After a life of endless spending, and useless purchases, I finally have my head on straight and my heart is coming through. What I once did in an unconscious fashion, I am now celebrating with my friends, the act of giving. The feeling of knowing you did something nice and paid forward. Nothing is too small, and nothing too big.
I hope this blog finds you in the best of spirits and in the season of giving, all year round. Because that is what I hope to do; gather other like minded friends and individuals and honor the choice to give. How will we do it? By LEARNING and HAVING FUN of course!!!!
Here's how it will work (I hope!):
The blog will be "home" where we can chat and keep in touch, different organizations will be hilighted, either by me or through interviews, and once monthly a meetup where we can have fun with one another and receive the information where money can be donated directly. Of course, if anyone has a suggestion as to where donations will be appreciated, this is the perfect forum for it...
Stick with me land let's grow as givers as we make a "Date with Charity".